Tranh từ lá khô

Thứ sáu - 01/08/2014 21:47

Tranh từ lá khô

I love art that surprises me, whether it's an unusual technique, using weird materials you wouldn't expect or working on a scale that isn't common. That's why when I saw these, I couldn't wait to share them with you!

Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?

Omid Asadi, an Iranian-born artist f-rom Massachusetts, has been collecting fallen leaves and turning them into intricately beautiful works of art with nothing but a knife and a needle!
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Ever Heard of Leaf-Sculptures?
Do you like these pieces? Then how about taking a look at another amazing & extraordinary artist, HERE.
Jim S.

Tác giả bài viết: SIMON HOA

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