For those with passport.......Very good info.

Chủ nhật - 16/11/2014 21:13

For those with passport.......Very good info.

Email này đề nghị các bạn có đi du lịch, nên dán email của mình lên trên passport ... để khi bạn chẳng may đánh mất nó ... thì may ra có người sẽ email cho bạn, để lấy lại trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Chúc may mắn.
Email này đề nghị các bạn có đi du lịch, nên dán email của mình lên trên passport ... để khi bạn chẳng may đánh mất nó ... thì may ra có người sẽ email cho bạn, để lấy lại trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Chúc may mắn.
This is an excellent tip i.e. to always in-sert your email address in your passport on the  address page.
Read on to know why.
For all the frequent flyers......
Do check this one out....
This is an incident that occurred at the airport yesterday.
A passenger with an American passport, changed money, and in the process left his passport and boarding pass on my counter. As it was placed on the side, whe-re my monitor blocks the view; it remained there for over 20 minutes; when the next customer brought it to my attention. I went outside, to search for him but to no avail.
The passport was well worn, with numerous visas, including Japan.
He had travelled f-rom Narita to LAX. The page in the (U.S.) passport whe-re one can write home address and third party contact was blank.
All there was his e mail address.
I emailed him a brief message, including my phone number.
He turned up about a half hour later, profoundly grateful.
He was blissfully unaware that his passport was missing!
He was checking his e mail in the cab when he saw the mail I had sent. So he turned the cab around and came back to the airport to collect it. He works in Japan and his work permit was attached to the Japanese visa in the passport. He was in the US only for a week.
In retrospect it is evident that even if he had written his address in the passport, it would not have helped. Even a phone number is not much help, as a finder may not be willing to call long distance, if 'found' in another country.
An e mail, any one would send, f-rom any place; and you can access your e mail f-rom anywhe-re in the world, when you are travelling!
Therefore PLEASE WRITE YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR PASSPORT; it can really 'save your bacon' someday!

Tác giả bài viết: Email này đề nghị các bạn có đi du lịch, nên dán email của mình lên trên passport ... để khi bạn chẳng may đánh mất nó ... thì may ra có người sẽ email cho bạn, để lấy lại trong thời gian ngắn nhất. Chúc may mắn. This is an excellent tip i.e. to

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